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China-funded railway underpass opens to traffic in Mongolia’s capital

ULAN BATOR, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) — A new railway underpass funded by China officially opened to traffic in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, on Saturday.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by relevant officials from both countries, including Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Shen Minjuan and mayor of Ulan Bator Khishgee Nyambaatar, along with key project workers.
Located in the Songinokhairkhan District in western Ulan Bator, the railway underpass was constructed by the China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co. Ltd.
Shen said that the railway underpass project is crucial for connecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative with Mongolia’s Prairie Road development strategy, noting that despite overcoming many challenges, it was officially opened to traffic after more than a year.
Shen also highlighted that the construction of three additional underpasses is progressing rapidly, which will help alleviate traffic congestion in Ulan Bator.
Nyambaatar emphasized that the new underpass will help reduce traffic congestion and cross-railway travel time while boosting economic development by significantly increasing freight traffic for the Ulan Bator Railway Company, Mongolia’s official railway operator.
For many years, traffic congestion has been a major pressing issue in Ulan Bator. Originally designed to accommodate 500,000 residents, the city now houses nearly half of Mongolia’s 3.5 million population and is burdened with over 640,000 vehicles. The rapid population growth and economic development have exacerbated the traffic problems. ■
